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We are thrilled you are interested in attending Paper Crown’s Spring Retreat! The Retreat will be Monday., May 20- Wed., May 22. In conjunction with the Retreat, we will hold a Glitter Market the afternoon of Sun., May 19. Both events will be held at the Anthem Stories building, 800 Austin Ave., Waco,TX. 


Our artist instructors, Jackie Peters, Jenn McGlon & Lisa Waring, will transport you to the English countryside with their projects. Jackie will guide you through her interpretation of a set of quilted Staffordshire dogs- what could be more English. Jenn will use paper clay and decorative painting techniques to create a charming English shadow box. Lisa will teach you the spun cotton techniques to create her swallow, one of my favorites of all of her creations. 


Retreat cost is $900 and includes - 3 classes with our artists, catered lunches, snacks, swag, discounted shopping and one dinner. Attendees are responsible for transportation to and from Waco and lodging if needed. A deposit of $300 is required when you sign up to secure your spot. Balance is due Fri., May 17th. This is a non refundable event so please check your calendars carefully. Call 254 224-7436 to sign up. 


We hope you can join us!

Spring Retreat 2024 - Deposit

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